Point Mingle Pouf, Large

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Point Large Mingle is the unexpected focal point of your interior. This oversized pouf is surprisingly comfortable. What’s more, it's always there for your snacks, drinks, friends and - very importantly - your feet. The bouclé version gives it a certain panache, with a nod and a wink. Its coarsely woven fabric is chic and super strong. FibreGuard provides strong stain resistance for a wide variety of common household stains. The FibreGuard process coats the yarn in the finishing process resulting in an inherent strength and longevity to the stain resistance that will last for the life of the fabric.


Dimensions: Ø70 x H40 cm
Material: polyester Mingle bouclé fabric, expanded polystyrene (EPS) filling
Anti-slip bottom
FibreGuard coating
Stain resistance
Only indoors
Available in many colour versions
